donderdag 15 januari 2015

Counting Down the Days; One Night Left!

I have been counting down the days till I leave for South Africa for 10 weeks. Only one night left! I literally cannot express in words how excited I am to finally go there. Also, I am really thankful for Steff’s family for letting me live with them for two and a half months. I have only known Steffi for a few months, but it feels like I have known her whole my life; and I have only met her parents once, but I already feel so comfortable with both of them. I cannot wait to meet Steff’s little brothers and friends and family!

Steffi constantly reminds me of how warm it is there and that I should bring lots of summer clothes. It is 10pm now, and I’ve put all my clothes and presents and necessary stuff in little stacks in my room and I only need to put them in my suitcases. I am so exited, only 12 hours and the plane takes off and only 24 hours and I’ll be in South Africa. Tomorrow morning I’m going to meet Maxime, Cemmie, Kian and Maarten at the airport. Together we are going to start this adventure..

Everything is packed

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Travel is more than seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in idea of living! Have an amazing trip! Lysm K.

  2. This trip will be one of the great moments of your life. Enjoy every moment of it! We love you! Attila Zsuzsa

  3. We are SOO happy to have you as part of our family!! You have only been here for 3 days, but it feels like we have known you much longer - Paulie, the dogs and Glitter wont leave you alone :). I know you are going to make the most of this experience!!

  4. Dear Dionne, Although we have already met a few times before, we do not really know each other. I hope that by reading your blog I can get to know you more! I am sure this journey will be one of the greatest adventures of your life. It was touching to read that you call Steff your exchange sister. I think you already have a great experience: you got to know how good it feels to get someone special from life. Someone who was a stranger before but became an essential part of your everydays... Enjoy each day of these few weeks! Nagy Orsi

  5. Dear Dionne, It is so exciting! One night and you are on the other side of the world. I wish you a pleasant flight and an amazing stay in South Africa. Lots of love also to Steff and her family! Your grandfather

  6. Dear dionne, i have finally worked out, with Marcels help, how to answer your blog. I am really excited for you and are already avidly following your blog. Have an amazing journey.
