maandag 19 januari 2015

Goodbye Holland! South Africa is calling!

On the 16th of Janury at 8am we were at Schiphol Airport. It was time to drop off  the luggage. Everybody was there, so it did not take very long. It was time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad, so I prefer to say hello. Hello to a new adventure. 

We, Cemmie, Maxime, Maarten, Kian and I, were so excited at the moment that the plane took off to South Africa for our exchange.

Ready for the amazing adventure
During my flight I found a nice book in my bag full of good wishes and “quotes” from my friends and relatives. I loved the quote from Marc Twain, which my mom wrote:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

I think it is a beautiful quote. If you travel to another country you have to walk around with open eyes, you have to see the beauty of that country, you have to try to adapt to their culture to understand the way of living there.

Warm welcome in Cape Town

Landing in South Africa was the best feeling ever. Steff’s whole family was waiting for me at the airport and welcomed me with balloons and posters. I immediately felt really comfortable with all of them. I will write something about my first weekend here as soon as possible!

At the moment Paulie (Steff’s youngest brother) is building a pillow fort around me, so I better go and help him! South Africa so far has been better than I expected!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. What an adventure Dionne! Glad you have arrived safely and enjoying your time. I'm sure when you return to Holland you will look at your country from a different perspective. Seeing different cultures always broadens your horizon and makes you a better person.
    Have fun and take care of yourself!

  2. What an incredible welcome for Dionne in Cape Town! Have a great adventure! Lysm, xK

  3. Dear Dionne,
    What a fantastic welcome! Enjoy every minute of your stay. I am so happy with your blog because I can follow your amazing trip! Love, your grandfather

  4. What a nice welcome. Great beginning of your adventure.
