dinsdag 10 februari 2015

Deep dark Africa, Powercut

 This week I was not lucky, because every time I wanted to work on my blog or go to internet to post something, there was a power breakdown. Unfortunately this is regularly happening. It is really an issue here. The electricity company mentioned that it can happen more often in the near future, because there is a big lag in maintenance of the electricity network. It is a strange feeling to be  without electricity in the twenty first century. It is dark and silent, but the candles makes a pleasant atmosphere.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Dionne, It is sometimes good to experience how is the life without electricity, mobile phones, televison etc. When I was child we also often used candels. But those evenings were quite pleasent. Love from your Grandfather

  2. I can imagine that it is quite unpleasant! We cannot live without our "electronic equipments" . At least you had time to chat with Steff. Lysm xk

  3. Yes, it must be very strange. Luckely its not winter and very cold! Very romantic though as well with the candles and in a way very exciting too. So unlike home.😄
