donderdag 19 februari 2015

The fourth weekend

Waterfall Elandspad
Our weekend started already on Friday, because a beautiful hiking excursion on Elandspad was organized by Herschel and Bishops. We had to be at Bishops at 7:30 in the morning and then we drove for about an hour and half to the starting point of our hiking excursion.
First we walked up and down through the hills as we followed the river. The view was beautiful and I took many pictures. After an hour walking we stopped at a place where we could do cliff jumping from 6 meter high rocks into the water. Later we went further and we found even higher cliffs to jump off. After lunch we went uphill for another hike to see a unique waterfall. This walk was very exhausting because we had to climb and jump a lot and it was very warm. It was worth doing it! This was the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen.  This place is even more beautiful than Cederberg.  The waterfall is about 100 meters high. Mr. Court said that we could swim towards the waterfall and go through it into a cave. It was a very exciting feeling to swim under the waterfall. When I turned on m y back and looked up to the waterfall I just could not believe what I saw: breathtaking sunrays  through the water drops.
After this fantastic experience of boulder hopping, cliff jumping and swimming through a waterfall we were very tired. Our legs were sore and scratched all over but everybody was happy and amazed by this  beautiful trip. Thank you Mr. Court!
Next day I got up early because the next interesting program was organized for some exchange students. We started with a nice breakfast at the Biscuit Mill. After breakfast we visited the Aquarium at the Waterfront in Cape Town. It is beautiful and at least 10 times bigger as the SeaLife Centre in Scheveningen. It has several great viewing points and a huge tunnel where you can walk through and see the sharks swimming next to you. You can take great effect pictures there.  We also went to a shopping centre to eat something and to look around. On the way back home we stopped at the "pair of glasses" sculpture that symbolises Nelson Mandela in sea point.
A pair of glasses
In the evening the Dutch exchanges with their exchange partners went to Mitchell's house. There we had a relaxed evening with playing Fifa, table tennis, eating pizza and ice cream. Our whole night was full of laughter and fun.
On Sunday I slept till 11 o’clock in the morning, because I was so exhausted. In the afternoon I climbed up Table Mountain with some exchanges from Chile and our partners. Although we didn’t go to the top, we had a beautiful view. Now I understand why Cape Town is often called "the most beautiful town in the world". After we were going down, we went to the beach, where we had a proper picnic and we could swim in the ocean.

With Cemmie at Waterfront

Climbing the "Tafelberg"

Picknick on the beach

5 opmerkingen:

  1. What a great weekend you had! The waterfall of Elandspad looks mysterieus beautiful. I can imagine that wad an exciting feeling to swim under it. I like very much your effect picture in the Aquarium. Lysm xK

  2. I've left a comment here, wonder where it's gone :(

  3. I always think that it cannot get better. But I am wrong! :) It sounds like your life there becomes more and more amazing as the weeks pass by. That waterfall is incredible.

  4. Gosh Dionne, cliffjumping, waterfallswimmimg, climbing The Tafelberg, how amazing! All highlights, what's next? Looking forward to your next posting.

  5. Dear Dionne, What a beautiful waterfall! You are a lucky girl! You explore amazing wonderful places in South Africa. I enjoy to read your stories. Love from Hungary, your Grandfather
