dinsdag 10 februari 2015

The second week

The second week was even more busy than the first one. Monday after school I went to the competition practice.  This was the first time that I could swim together with the team. We had to swim 2.5 km in different strokes. It was really a good preparation for the competition. I think here the swimmers are more fanatic. A good result is very important and the Herschel team has a strong “win mentality”. I think it is very good, because we stimulate each other. I was so tired after this training that in the evening I did not do anything anymore. Luckily Tuesday was quite a relaxing day in school. I had different language classes and during consumer studies we made milk cakes. It was so delicious. It is a pity that you cannot taste it on my blog. It was allowed to take one cake home. This was such a big success, that before I could take a picture, the half of the cake was already gone. 
Left over of the milk cake
Wednesday afternoon we did not have any plans. We went home, because Steff’s father Andries had his birthday and we wanted to celebrate it together. We had a little bit spicy Thais dinner, but it was delicious. Andries got many presents and he was very happy. After that we had a nice cake at home.  My family also sent a funny video film to congratulate him.

Family dinner

Happy birthday Andries
Thursday was a big day in school. The Swimming Gala!  Together 6 girls’ school and 5 boys schools were competing. I was selected to swim in the best group of Herschel.  I am very proud of it, but anyway I was a little bit nervous and I hoped very much that I can swim a good time. Yes!!! We did it. The Herschel team got the third price. I swam the breaststroke individual and I became fifth.
Swimming Gala
Friday we had an easy and pleasant day in school. In the afternoon Steff had water polo training, but Trinny, an exchange student from San Diego came by. We had a lot of fun together on trampoline and in the swimming pool. In the evening we went out with Elise’s family to a beautiful restaurant on the beach called “The Bungalow”. During the dinner you can enjoy a perfect sea view. I could not take pictures, because it was already dark, but once I will go back to this place to see it in day light.  I was happy to meet Elise’s sister and her family.  Their daughter just starts to study in the University in Cape Town. We were quite late at home and I realized that tomorrow I have to wake up early, because I have to pack my stuff. All exchange students are going for an amazing excursion to Cederberg organized by Bischops School.

Pleasent afternoon with Trinn

Having fun

4 opmerkingen:

  1. We are very happy that you are doing consumer studies. If you are back you have to make a cake every weekend. Congratulation to your swimming result! Lysm xk

  2. Dear Dionne, What a great achivment! Congratulation to your swimming result! I am very proud of you! Love from your Grandfather

  3. Wow, the cake looks delicious... And big congrats for the swimming competition!

  4. Yum, Dionne, I hope you remember the recipe. I very much would like to have it. Congrats on you swimmimg results. Very good. Looking forward to reading about your trip.
