dinsdag 17 februari 2015

The third week
Stroopwafels en Milka
Monday we would go on an excursion, a Kalk bay train ride was planned, but the plans changed. So we started a normal school day. In school all exchange students were invited for a tea with the Principle of Herschel. He was very kind to us and we had an interesting conversation about the differences between our schools. After school I had swimming which was again a quite hard training. 

Tuesday after school we went home immediately because Elise’s sister from Johannesburg visited us for dinner. It was a very pleasant evening with delicious supper. I made Steff, Jeff and Paulie very happy after dinner, because I gave them ‘stroopwafels’ and ‘Milka’ chocolate as a present. This was a surprise from Holland: I asked my mother to send a lot of stroopwafels and.. yes! Maxime’s mother, who works for KLM as an air hostess and had a flight to Cape Town, brought them here. Jeff told me that it was the “Best day ever!”  It is quite funny how much foreigners like these typically Dutch cookies. If we go to Hungary to visit our relatives, they also always ask to please bring some stroopwafels with us.
Cavendish shopping centre

Wednesday after school I went to Cavendish with Cemmie, one of the most luxurious shopping centres of Cape Town. It is really beautiful and you can find lots of shops here with top brands and some restaurants and cafes. It was fun to walk around here. We bought some school stuff, had an amazing smoothie and something to eat. After the shopping we had to walk back to Herschel, because Cemmie had a hockey match and Elise would come to pick me up there. After 10 minutes walking it turned out that we were lost in Cape Town. We were chatting and we probably took a wrong turn. We couldn't recognize anything and we did not have the faintest idea of where we could be. We phoned Steff and Elise and we tried to describe where we were.  Luckily Elise knew where it was, so they came to pick us up.
Thursday evening was the “House braai” organized at Herschel. It is a traditional evening with barbeque which is organized at the beginning of school year at one of the twelfth grader’s house. There are different “houses” (groups of students) in Herschel. Every house has got a different  colour and name: Carter /blue/,  Jagger /green/, Rolt /yellow/ and Merriman /red/. Since Steff was in Carter (the blue ‘house’), I was in Carter too. Basically the houses compete against each other in sports and different plays. This evening we chatted a lot, tried out some supporting cheers, had lots of fun and delicious food.
The Carters


4 opmerkingen:

  1. Great feedback on all your adventures Dionne!! xx

  2. Dear Dionne,
    I like to read your stories. If I were you I would certainly buy a map of Cape Town. Yes! We also lke stroopwafels very much! If you come next time to Hungary please take some with you. Love from your Grandfather

  3. I have the same experience with stroopwafels. :) It is nice that you become part of the local traditions like the House braai.

  4. I love your blog and lovely descriptions of all the events. The braai sounds like a lot of fun, esp. With all the colours. Blue suits you very well.
