vrijdag 27 maart 2015

The tenth week
After a lovely weekend together with my host family in Hermanus, my last week of exchange started on Monday. It was very quiet in school, because grade 8 and 9 students were on camp and for grade 10 a 6 days long outing was organized by Herschel. Actually we were invited to do it, but we did not join because we would have to be back on Thursday evening and we would only have Friday to pack our bags and say good bye to everybody. Our schedule was also different because some of the teachers were not in school and grade 11 students were busy starting to plan their big research essay. It is similar to a “profiel werkstuk” in Holland. So this Monday we had a great time together and we realized that the time of going back is getting closer and closer. We talked a lot about the last weeks, about the nice memories and we wrote good wishes on each other's flags.Tuesday after our normal school day I went to Cavendish with Tabs. I bought my last souvenirs there and we ate something together. This shopping centre became one of our favourite places, because it’s just a few minutes walking from school. Tuesday evening we had a nice supper at home and we chatted a lot. It was our last evening together, because Jeff was going on rugby tour and Paulie had a camp from Wednesday till Friday. Luckily Paulie is back before I am flying back to Holland. Wednesday we were ready around 12 o'clock in school and we went to the Waterfront together with Cemmie and Trini. This time Maxime could not join us because her mom arrived in Cape Town and they just wanted to do something together. I like that place so much! There are many little shops and restaurants with a beautiful view. We took a nice picture at the frame in the Waterfront.
 At the frame in the Waterfront with Cemmie and Trini.
 Beautiful vieuw at Waterfront
Thursday after school I went to Constantia Village and Montebello with Elise and Steff to buy  some nice handmade souvenirs. This lovely place is only a few minutes from our house.In the evening I packed my suitcases and printed out my boarding pass. I could hardly believe that Friday I am going home. Friday was our last school day at Herschel. We had to keep a speech in front of the whole school about our experience of our exchange. We also thanked everyone for our beautiful programs. After school we went to our favourite sushi box near our school with a whole group of friends. It was so nice to be together one last time, but it was also sad because I had to say good bye to them in the end. When we were all at home I gave my host family a photo book as a present and a thank-you for my exchange. They were really happy with it, looking at all the memories of last year. We went out for dinner to a cute little restaurant and got some frozen yoghurt after that before we drove to the airport.  

 With Steff and Paulie in the restaurant

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Enjoy your last week in South Africa! We are counting down the days! Love from home KLM

  2. Preparig for saying goodbye is always difficult...

  3. Nice relaxing last week. Mixed feelings he....
