woensdag 25 maart 2015

Rain Spider
Rain Spider
We came home in the evening and we saw a huge spider above our head on the ceiling of the living room. I am generally scared of spiders and it happened earlier during my stay that a rain spider was in my bathroom but at that time Jeff was so kind to remove it. But this one was even bigger, at least 15 cm big. It was quite scary and nobody did anything. Jeff said very relaxed if it is tomorrow morning still there I remove it. Everybody was just sitting and chatting in the living room and they were not interested in this spider. But I was a little bit scared and everytime I looked where it is. If  it is not there tomorrow where it will be. In my room?
In South Africa it is called rain spider because these spiders come in out of the rain. The rain spider is dark brown and their bodies are smooth and plump. Their legs can span more than 7 cm and are hairy to boot. It is not poisonous and not dangerous at all but it can bite. The females can get aggressive while defending their eggs. In South Africa it is common to have these spiders move into your home just before the summer rains.  My advice is if you are scared of spiders please be prepared because it could give you a heart attack when you see them at first. But they are really harmless.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Haai Dionne, hoe gaan dit?

    Dit lyk vir my jy geniet jou tyd baie. Maar soos dit altyd gaan: alle goeie dinge kom tot 'n einde.

    Sies, maar daai spinnekop lyk aaklig. Het jy ooit 'n bobbejaanspinnekop raakgeloop? Vra vir jou vriende daar en jy sal 'n lekker gru-reaksie kry :-)

    Ek is bly jy geniet jou tyd so baie. Ek wens jou 'n goeie terugreis Holland toe en ek hoop die Nederlandse weer sal darem vriendelik vir jou wees, nĂ¡ hierdie lang Suid-Afrikaanse somer!

    Al die beste,

    Jou Afrikaans-onnie in Nederland,


  2. I never ever want to see a spider like this in my home...
