zondag 1 maart 2015

The fifth weekend
During the fantastic Garden Tour we didn’t sleep a lot; therefore on  Friday  evening I went to bed very early, straight after supper. We did not have any plans for Saturday,  because  Steff had waterpolo training and Jeff had a sports day at Bishops. I did not mind that I had a day just to relax, therefore  I was very surprised when Elise woke me up around 8 o’clock in the morning.  Another host family called us that they had plans to visit Boulders beach at Simon’s Town.  I was happy to join them. Simon’s Town is a lovely old town with a beautiful beach about half an hour drive from Cape Town.  When we arrived, I could hardly believed what I saw. Penguins! On a beach! Normally we do not associate penguins with Africa.  But these funny birds are a little bit different from the penguins in  Antarctica. They are about 50 cm tall and they are called African penguins. About 20 years ago the first penguins were spotted here and now apparently more than 3000 penguins live on Boulder beach between the rocks.  It was funny to see and they were not afraid at all. They have become urban penguins.  But there were many warning signs with “ do not chase them”. Not that I’ve had an experience like this, but people say they have a vicious bite.  I liked this beautiful beach very much and it was a memorable experience  to swim with penguins in the water.  Later on Cemmie and I went to Georgia’s house to eat something.

Simon's Town

Boulder Beach

In the evening we planned to go to Clifton 4th beach where “ Moonstruck Summer Beach Concert “ was organized. Steff went there with Julien after they had dinner,  because obviously they wanted to be together on Valentine's Day, which was very cute!  I joined to Izzy, Selin, Georgie and Laragh for dinner at a restaurant not too far from the beach. After dinner we just went to the beach to enjoy the last part of the concert.  This concert was free but it was expected that you purchase glow sticks. This money is used as a donation for the sea rescue organization. It is one the most  famous summer events in Cape Town.  After the party I slept over at Izzy’s house.

Moonstruck Summer Beach Concert

Finally Sunday I could sleep a little bit longer and after a nice “brunch” I went home.  In the afternoon we visited the Kirstenbosch Arboretum where we could enjoy the concert of Michael Rosenberg, better known as Passanger.  He is very popular in Cape Town. Everyone was crazy about his world famous hit “Let Her Go”.  This was again a great weekend! Thanks to all the host families!
Passanger concert

With friends at the concert


5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey Dionne, looks like the fantastic experiences are just going on. Wow, I didn't know either that there are penguins in Africa, I'll tell the kids that the movie Penguins in Madagascar is not a hoax :) Hope you'll get some tan, you are still pale in the photo ;)

  2. Are there any species left that you did not see in SA? :) Hope you could have some rest, this week seemed exhausting.

  3. Oh wat leuk die pinguïns!! En wat een mooi weer daar. Als je straks terug bent in Nederland dan is het hier ook al lente. Het begint lekker weer te worden. Maar tot die tijd geniet van je avonturen. Super leuk om te lezen dat je het zo naar je zin hebt en zo veel leuke plekken bezoekt. Dikke knuffel, Hajna

  4. Dear Dionne, It is funny to see that people just could swim among penguins at Boulder beach. This weekend you got again something unique to experiance. Love from your Grandfather

  5. Hi Dionne, I bet you already made more than 2000 pictures! I would love to see them all. Swimming with penguins! And a concert by Passanger. I have his c.d. I am so jealous. I am going to try a mind switch, so that my mind swops to your body and your mind to mine. You are warned.....
