zondag 22 maart 2015

The eighth weekend

Naked Bike Ride
After Vicente’s party I slept till eleven o'clock in the morning. When I awoke I heard that I missed The Cape Town Naked Bike Ride. I thought this was a joke, but it wasn’t. Every year this event is organised in Cape Town. The message is that cycling should be safer and people should use it as an alternative transport for a cleaner air. Some people are completely naked, some of them has something on and some of them paint their bodies. They used not only bicycles but also skateboards. This way they want to get attention for environment issues. I really respect them! After my late breakfast Cemmie came to pick me up and we went to the Hout Bay Market together with Agnes, Anto, Pia and Trini. You can buy anything in Hout Bay. I believe that more than 150 traders are there with their products. Plus everything is much cheaper than in the Netherlands. We walked around and ate something. It was a great afternoon with nice weather and a beautiful view in the harbour.
On Saturday evening all Dutch exchange students were invited by Ziyaad, Maarten's exchange partner. He just moved into a new house and the view from there was fantastic.  We had a traditional braai. It was a lot and extremely delicious. We had fun together!
On Sunday the biggest city road race in the world was organised in Cape Town. More than 35000 cyclist joined the race. This year the race was announced as the "Show You Care Solidarity Ride" in honour of the fire fighters.  It would have been nice to see this but we had guests. Elise's parents arrived from Johannesburg and her sister’s family came. We went to Cape Point Vineyard together for a picnic.  This beautiful vineyard is situated on the slopes of the Noordhoek Amphitheather. We had a relaxed picnic with a lot of fun and the view was absolutely breathtaking!  When we drove home we also could see how big damage the fire had made in a beautiful nature area.
Cape Point Vineyard

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Dionne, I woud like to be there with you at Cape Point Vineyard. It is very beautiful! Love from yor Grandfather

  2. Another bike-ride/race. Are there that many cyclist in SA? Just like in Holland? I would have loved to see the naked one. Great fun? Would we have joined that, I wonder?

  3. What an interesting bike race!I am sure that they get enough attention. Lysm xk

  4. The picture from Cape Point Vineyard brings some summer here...
