maandag 30 maart 2015

My arrival

On Saturday we arrived to Amsterdam around half past eleven. In the morning on the plane we had a pancake and some yoghurt and fruit as breakfast with some juice, which was nice after a long movie night. After we got our luggage, we went to the arrival hall. When we walked in there, my best friends came running to me. My parents, brother, my three best friends, boyfriend, grandmother and uncle were all there, waiting for me with lots of balloons and flowers. It was such a big surprise and I was so happy to go home with everyone I love! At home a huge cake with a picture of the view from Lion’s Head was waiting for me, plus two other cakes and lots of delicious snacks. After a little while three more of my friends came, and a little after that quite some family friends arrived and even my neighbours came over. I handed out all the souvenirs I got for my friends, family and boyfriend and some of them even had presents for me as a ‘welcome back’. There was so much laughter, telling stories, having fun, eating and so on! It was an awesome surprise from my mom, and I’m so thankful that everyone that is important to me could be there that day, the day that my most amazing adventure ever ended!
 Warm welcome at Schiphol Airport
 Welcome home
 We are back home
 Big surprise at home
Again a big thanks to my exchange sister, my host family, Ms Stein (the exchange coordinator at Herschel,  Mr Court (the exchange coordinator Bishops), Mr Schreurs ( the exchange coordinator at Rijnlands) and my own family for making my trip the best experience ever, and thanks to all my friends and everyone who supported me on my wonderful trip to South Africa.

6 opmerkingen:


  2. Welcome home! We are so happy that you are back. We hope that you liked our surprises and your life won't be too boring at home. Lysm KLM

  3. Welcome home Dionne! I hope you won't miss south Africa too much. We are glad to have you back home.

  4. I hope you got used to being home again! :)

  5. Dear Dionne! The first feeling that comes to my heart is that I'm sooo proud of you! I almost can't believe that my little girl I used to babysitt long-long time ago has nearly become a grown-up and travelled to South-Africa. It was really exciting and touching to follow your blog posts during your African advanture. Amazing pictures and detailed descriptions, I could dream myself there while I was reading your stories and looking at your photos :-). Congratulations to your exchange programme and special congrats for your very cool English ;-)! I'm happy that you came home safely to the Netherlands and your big advanture followed by a fantastic welcome back party. Lots of love from Sweden and hope to see you soon! Maybe your next advanture will be on the opposite side of the Earth in Scandinavia ;-)!

  6. Welcome home Dionne. I hope you have no trouble adjusting. Love to see some more photographs.
