dinsdag 31 maart 2015

Die Berg
Wanneer'n mens 'n berg van beskou
Dan is hy lelik; al sy foute staar
Jou naaktelik in die oë, hy is baar
En plantloos, ru en klipperig en grou.
En ook -jou denkbeeld is geheel ontrou,
Want jy verlies die grote in die klein;
Jy sien 'n stukkie, die geheel verdwyn;
En op'n deel wil jy die hele bou.
So is die mens: beskou hom van te na
En al sy foute steek jou in die oog.
Maar soos die berg daar in die verte skyn,
Jy sien die grootste oor die klein verhoog:
So sal die mens'n ander kenmerk dra
In lig deur ruime perspektief verfyn.

 /Bosman - Die Berg  - collection of Gerrit Komrij/


7 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful end! Love from your Grandfather

  2. That was a fantastic journey! I'm glad You had the opportunity to take part in it!
    Next time we'll meet, You have to say something to me in afrikaans language! :)


  3. Great ending to a very impressive blog!! Lots of love your South African family xxx

  4. You had an amazing advanture, a trip of a life time! We enjoyed to read your blog. Lysm KLM

  5. What a wonderful journey you have made!! Every time I red your blog, felt like I was also there. Wishful thinking...

  6. You were more and more beautiful places! I showed your photos, they are amazing!
    You learned a lot about the life another country. You are very lucky!

  7. Beautiful poem, what a wunderful ending of your blog. I looooooved reading your blog. Lots of info and beautiful pics. Took me back there every time. Thanks.
